Scheduled bus service throughout New York State and to nearby Canadian destinations
Last updated 02/16/10
Terminal Locations

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Bus Terminal Location &
Phone Number
Credit Cards Accepted
Important Information
Palenville, NY 12463
The Catskill Mountain Lodge
334 Route 32A
9am-5pm Daily
Mastercard, Visa, Discover
Eastbound: Bus stop is at the Lodge sign near the front of the driveway.
Westbound: Bus stop at the rntrance of the lodge just off the roadway on 32A
Phoenicia, NY 12464
Morne Imports
52 Main St.
7am-6pm Daily
Mastercard, Visa.
Pine Hill, NY 12465
Belleayre Plaza
Rte. 28 Westbound
8am-8pm Daily
Plattsburgh, NY 12901
America's Best Value Inn
19 Booth Drive
Open 24 Hours
Mastercard, Visa, Amex, Discover
Potsdam, NY 13676
Market Square Mall
22 Depot St.
6:10 am-1:15pm Mon-Sat
Closed Sunday
Closed Christmas
Mastercard, Visa, Discover
Poughkeepsie, NY 12601
Thrifty Check Cashing
270 Main Mall
9am-5pm Mon-Thur
8:30am-6pm Fri
9:30am-3pm Sat
Closed Sun & Major Holidays
Mastercard, Visa, Discover
Bus stop near Civic Center at bus stop sign.
Queens Village, NY 11427
J & D Foods
219-17 Hillside Ave.
6am-9:30pm Daily
Ridgewood, NJ 07451
ShortLine Bus Terminal
575 Route 17 South
6:30am-3:30pm Mon-Thurs
6:30am-5:30pm Fri
8:30am-1:30pm Sat
8am-4pm Sun
Irregular Traffic Pattern
- Separate terminals for northbound and southbound travelers; waiting areas are connected by a pedestrian walkway over Route 17
- Please click on this link for more information about where to drop off and/or pick up passengers at this facility.
Rochester, NY 14604
Trailways Bus Station
186 Cumberland Street
Open 24 Hours
Mastercard, Visa, Amex, Discover,
Diner's Club
Across from the Amtrak Terminal. For directions to the Bus Terminal
Click Here.
Rosendale, NY 12472
Market Market Cafe
1 Madeline Lane
(Corner of Rte 32 & Madeline Lane)
7:30am-10pm Daily
Mastercard, Visa, Discover
Adirondack Trailways, Pine Hill Trailways, and New York Trailways offer Scheduled Bus Service
throughout New York State and to the nearby Canadian cities of Montreal and Toronto.
Connections at major cities to travel destinations nationwide.