Scheduled bus service throughout New York State and to nearby Canadian destinations
Last updated 02/16/10
Important Announcements

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Important Announcements
Fare Increase
Effective: January 1, 2011
Intra & Interstate Mileage Fares: All standard one-way Fares, over 20 miles, will increase by 3%. Minimum fares, for travel under 20 miles, will increase by twenty-five cents.
Public may comment by calling 1-800-858-8555
Or by writing to:
Trailways Corporate Office
Attn: Traffic Dept.
499 Hurley Ave.
Hurley NY 12443
Effective Tuesday, October 21, 2008 until further notice
All Adirondack Trailways, Pine Hill Trailways, New York Trailways and Greyhound departures to all points in:
- 1) New York State
- 2) Montreal
- 3) Toronto
will leave from the South Wing of the Port Authority.
EXCEPT: The 1:15 a.m. and the 5:40 a.m. departures to Toronto and all intermediate points on these schedules will leave from the NorthWing.
Safety and Security
Most accidents result from slips, trips and falls
- We advise our passengers to hold on to the overhead compartments while moving through the coach when the coach is in motion.
Adirondack Trailways thanks our passengers and reminds them to:
- Be alert to unattended packages.
- Be wary of suspicious behavior.
- Report exposed wiring or other irregularities.
Adirondack Trailways is committed to the safety and security of our passengers. We ask all our passengers to be careful and to be aware of their surroundings.
Trailways Travel Tips
- It is advisable to carry personal identification on your person at all times.
- Food and beverages are welcome aboard all Trailways buses. We suggest bringing bottled water or another light beverage along on your journey, as hydrating often lessens the impact of travel fatigue.
- Always carry prescription medications with you aboard the bus, even if you don't anticipate using them while traveling. Your luggage will be stowed in baggage bins beneath the coach, and will be inaccessible while the bus is in transit.
- All luggage must bear an identification tag with the appropriate passenger's name and phone number. Tags are available at your local terminal.
- Please do not leave your baggage unattended or carry items given to you by a stranger.
Adirondack Trailways, Pine Hill Trailways, and New York Trailways offer Scheduled Bus Service
throughout New York State and to the nearby Canadian cities of Montreal and Toronto.
Connections at major cities to travel destinations nationwide.