Scheduled bus service throughout New York State and to nearby Canadian destinations
Last updated 02/16/10
Contact Us

For detailed fare and schedule information or to order tickets by mail, our customer service representatives may be reached directly by e-mail, regular mail, or toll-free telephone call.
At Adirondack, Pine Hill, and New York Trailways we also look forward to hearing from our customers past, present, and future. We welcome you to contact us whether you have a commendation, complaint, or suggestion. The more we know about your experience, the better we can serve all of our passengers.
Contact Trailways by Phone
(800) 776-7548
6am - midnight, EST
Contact Trailways by Email
Available 24 hours a day
Contact Trailways by Mail
Trailways Customer Service Dept.
499 Hurley Avenue
Hurley, N.Y. 12443
If you are interested in employment, visit our Job Opportunities page.
* To learn more about group travel, please go to Charters or contact our Charter Department at (800) 225-6815, ext. 146 or 169.
Adirondack Trailways, Pine Hill Trailways, and New York Trailways offer Scheduled Bus Service
throughout New York State and to the nearby Canadian cities of Montreal and Toronto.
Connections at major cities to travel destinations nationwide.