Scheduled bus service throughout New York State and to nearby Canadian destinations
Last updated 02/16/10
Copyright Information

Sed tempus elit et justo ornare euismod. Morbi aliquam pretium lorem sit amet auctor. Suspendisse porta varius pellen-tesque. Curabitur posuere pharetra felis non scelerisque. Etiam non volutpat neque. Donec elementum tincidunt nunc, ac commodo est tincidunt et. Vivamus tellus diam, imperdiet id imperdiet vel, congue at est. Quisque velit lorem, rhoncus ut dignissim vitae, aliquet cursus orci.
Copyright/Trademark Information, Notices and Disclaimers
Copyright © 2004, Adirondack Transit Lines, Inc. All rights reserved.
All content on this web site (including but not limited to text, graphics, photographs, images, moving images, sound, illustrations and software) is owned by Adirondack Transit Lines, Inc., unless otherwise stated, and protected by copyright laws. Some images are used by Adirondack Transit Lines, Inc. with the express permission of the owner(s). All files and images which are not owned by Adirondack Transit Lines, Inc. remain the property of their respective owner(s).
Visitors to this website may view and print excerpts from these pages solely for their personal, non-commercial use, but are prohibited from including the whole or any part of this website in another website, whether commercial or non-commercial. Any other use requires written permission from Adirondack Transit Lines, Inc.
Visitors to this website are prohibited from copying, reproducing, distributing, republishing, uploading, downloading, displaying, posting or transmitting in any form any image, specifically including the images of the buses, used on this website, without first receiving express written consent from Adirondack Transit Lines, Inc., or the respective owner, as the case may be. Written prior permission is also required for the use of any Trademark, Logo or Service Mark used on this website.
If you are interested in using these web pages, or any part thereof, within a web site or for other commercial purposes; or using the image(s) of any of the buses for any purpose, please contact us at:
Adirondack Transit Lines, Inc.
Attn: Marketing
499 Hurley Avenue
Hurley, New York 12443
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Accuracy Of Information
Adirondack Transit Lines, Inc. makes every effort to ensure that the information published on this website is accurate. The information and materials contained in this website, as well as the terms, conditions and descriptions that appear, are, however, subject to change without notice. Adirondack Transit Lines, Inc. shall not be liable in any way for loss or damage, of any kind, to you or any other person, for any inaccuracy, error, omission or delay arising from any information posted on its website.
Bus Schedules & Fares
Bus Schedules & Fares are subject to change. Adirondack Transit Lines, Inc. and other issuing carriers will not be responsible for errors in timetables or damage incurred from late schedules or failure to make connections.
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Adirondack Trailways, Pine Hill Trailways, and New York Trailways offer Scheduled Bus Service
throughout New York State and to the nearby Canadian cities of Montreal and Toronto.
Connections at major cities to travel destinations nationwide.